30 Photo Project

Portrait in the shadow

Portrait in the shadow

Portrait in the shadow

Portrait in the shadow

Portrait in the shadow

Freeze the motion

Freeze the motion

Freeze the motion

Freeze the motion

Freeze the motion

Vantage point

Vantage point

Vantage point

Vantage point

Vantage point

Creative shadow

Creative shadow

Creative shadow

Creative shadow

Creative shadow




Blurring motion

Blurring motion

Blurring motion

What is it?

A light in my kitchen that gives a good glow around
A candle that’s flame looks perfect
A flower standing out
A Ford GT Hot Wheels car with a black background
A lamp that had a cool reflection
A wooden elephant that looks cool with an shallow depth of field
A salted chip that has a rough texture
A lamp that the light coming off looks like a cone.
A apple that had a cool shadow
A beed that has a marble design
A spark plug that has a cool design

Motion Project

With Cars

Mustang Gt

This photo is freezing the action. This is a mustang GT.

Porche 911 GT3 RS

This photo is freezing the action. This is a Porsche 911 GT3 RS

Koenigsegg Agera RS

This photo is freezing the action. This is a Koenigsegg Agera RS.

Koenigsegg Jesko

This photo is freezing the action. This is a Koenigsegg Jesko.

Lamborghini Hurican

This photo is freezing the action. This is a Lamborghini Hurican.

Supra Mk5

This photo is freezing the action. This is a Toyota Supra Mk5.

Long exposure of a street light

This is a blurred subject photo.

Long exposure of a street light

This is a blurred subject photo

Long exposure of a street light

This is a blurred subject photo

Long exposure of a street light

This is a blurred subject photo

Mustabg Gt

This is a blurred background photo. This is a Mustang GT

Mustabg Gt

This is a blurred background photo. This is a Mustang GT

Mustabg Gt

This is a blurred background photo. This is a Mustang GT


This is a blurred background photo.